[YOUIBOT | Case] Inspection Robot 5G Helps Smart Park Construction
December 23,2021

5G inspection robot solution for smart park has greatly improved the intelligence of the park. The addition of several inspection robots has provided guarantee for the safety and real-time monitoring of the park. It can patrol 24 hours a day and night without interruption, danger warning and real-time report have improved the digital.

Project background

With the deepening of industrial development and technological change, more and more smart parks begin to emerge in our country. The construction of a smart park refers to the use of a new generation of information and communication technology to perceive, monitor, analyze, control, and integrate the resources of each key link of the park, and on this basis to achieve a smart response to various needs, so that the overall operation of the park has the ability of self-organization, self-operation, and self-optimization, creating a green and harmonious development environment for enterprises in the park, and providing efficient, convenient and personalized development space.

At this stage, the construction of the smart park is carried out from basic informatization, and the patrol work of the outdoor environment is still completed manually, which cannot meet the needs of digitalization, real-time, intelligence, and security. With the promotion of 5G communication technology and the application of mobile robots in a large number of scenarios, combining the advantages of the two, it can effectively reduce costs for enterprises and efficiently complete related tasks.

Area F of Huawei Bantian Park in Shenzhen is an industrial park integrating technology development and customer reception. Due to the large flow of people in the park every day, the large area of focused attention (about 20000 square meters) and the complex outdoor environment, the fixed-point inspection according to manual timing cannot meet the needs of the construction of its smart park, and there is insufficient feedback on the real-time dynamics of the park.

Case analysis

To meet the problems faced by Shenzhen Huawei Park, Shenzhen Huawei Bantian Park has proposed a 5G inspection robot solution for the smart park. After preliminary project research and rapid project planning, Youibot has provided Huawei with a smart park 5G inspection robot solution, which can effectively meet the application needs of customers.


5G The inspection robot runs in Huawei Park




  • 5G inspection robot is based on large-scale and long-distance outdoor SLAM laser navigation algorithm technology, which can extract the characteristic information of the outdoor environment. For the real-time processing of the complex dynamic environment, it achieves the accurate positioning of the large-scale and long-distance and ensures the precise positioning of the robot in the outdoor environment. It can realize 24-hour uninterrupted patrol tasks and effectively avoid passing pedestrians and vehicles.
  • uses the high bandwidth and low latency characteristics of 5G technology to transmit high-definition images of 4k and above to the background in real-time, which efficiently and clearly reflects the dynamics of the park. The back end will do intelligent face recognition of the collected images and compare them with the database., Identify blacklisted personnel in real-time and send out alarm signals.
  • Based on large-scale and long-distance outdoor SLAM laser navigation technology, it can extract characteristic information of the outdoor environment, and achieve accurate positioning of large-scale and long-distance for real-time processing of complex dynamic environment, thus ensuring accurate positioning of robots in an outdoor environment.
  • products are equipped with a multi-sensor integrated system to monitor the security status of the park in real-time and return the status to the processing background in real-time to form a detection report.
  • The multi-robot scheduling system can schedule robots in real-time, operate robots in real-time, increase interaction between users and robots, efficiently complete uninterrupted tasks of robots, and optimize inspection tasks in the park.


laser SLAM


Customer value

Smart Park completed this time has greatly improved the intelligence of Shenzhen Huawei Park and met the needs of its Smart Park. The addition of several inspection robots has provided a guarantee for the safety and real-time monitoring of the park. It can patrol 24 hours a day and night without interruption. Hazard warnings and real-time reports have improved the digital construction of the park to minimize investment. Solve the current problems.


5GThe inspection robot runs in Huawei Park





Youibot Robotics Technology Co., Ltd. is an innovative high-tech company with robot research and development and manufacturing as its core. Youai Zhihe has the core algorithm of mobile robots with completely independent intellectual property rights and has a large number of experience in the unmanned transformation of business scenarios. Based on mobile robots, Youibot is committed to providing intelligent manufacturing, commercial services, security inspection, and other products and solutions covering the whole industry and all-round. The company provides mobile robots and solutions for its partners, which have been widely used in printing and manufacturing, security inspection, power grid inspection, commercial services, scientific research and education, and other fields. Youibot robot actively practices the enterprise mission-"robot technology empowers scene change", adheres to technological innovation, and scene innovation, and strives to become a leading enterprise in the robot industry.


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