[YOUIBOT | Sharing] My Views on Robot Industry
December 23,2021

Youibot regularly share: share the new ideas and technologies of Youibot robot.

Original: Zhang Chaohui, CEO of Youibot

This article originated from the Zhihu column of Zhang Chaohui, founder of Youibot Robot, as the beginning of the column [Youibot | Sharing]. After that, we will regularly share the new ideas and technologies of Youibot Robot.

In the first column, as a researcher and entrepreneur in the field of robotics, I would like to talk about some of my views on the robotics industry.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I graduated from the School of Mechanical Engineering of Xi 'an Jiaotong University in 14 years. After that, I entered the Institute of Robot and Intelligent Systems of Jiaotong University to study for a doctor's degree. From visual positioning to motor control, I began to contact mobile robots in 2015 to study SLAM positioning and navigation technology. In 17 years, I came out of the school to establish Youibot Robot. Therefore, as front-line researchers and front-line robot industry personnel, we can analyze the academic and industrial status of mobile robots from two angles.

Youibot Robot and I have stepped on countless pits but also filled countless pits, from the initial 5 R & D personnel to more than 30 leading R & D and operation teams at home and abroad. Has served more than 30 well-known domestic and foreign enterprises, institutions, and research institutes, including Michelin Group, CRRC, China Customs, Omron, Yuchai Group, Li Yuanheng, Huaneng Group, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Sun Yat-sen University, etc.

Every time an employee enters a centralized job, I will try to share my views on the robot industry with my new colleagues, and I will also share them in some academic and company exchanges. The robot market is gradually being educated and mature, and more and more outstanding talents are willing to engage in the research and development and market of the robot field. I will make some of my views on this industry, and I hope you will spray it lightly.

In the field of industrial robots, series and parallel mechanical arms are used in factory processing, logistics sorting, and other scenes. In the landing of mobile robots, the scene is even more explosive. With the emergence of warehousing and logistics, fast warehouse, and Geek; Substation inspection robots, there are eight robot enterprises that can be certified by national network systems, such as Luneng, Guozi, Langchi, and Yijiahe. Hotel robots, from imitating foreign countries to domestic innovation, there are Yogo, Youdi and Cloud Traces. Educational robots, but also the emergence of unicorn enterprises such as Youbixuan; Hospital distribution robots, with titanium, Noah; Cleaning robots, including Cobos, Gaoxian robots, and so on.

Youibot can be described as the same outbreak as robot enterprises. According to the data from "Research on the Development of China's Robot Industry, there are more than 6500 robot-related enterprises in China, and there are currently more than 60 robot industrial parks in China. The number of robot enterprises is amazing, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Robot companies with false and false, and robot companies without real technology have emerged. However, after the tuyere passes, the flying pigs will eventually fall to death. Since 2017, the growth rate of robot enterprise registration has decreased by 15% compared with 2016.

Youibot Robot was only established 17 years. We stood at the point of solving the real needs and thought about the landing of mobile robots. At that time, I insisted that only segmented industries could generate innovative points. Just like the application of Internet technology and mobile Internet technology in different scenarios, "Internet" appeared. I believe that robots should also reach specific segmented industries and solve the real needs in order to be evergreen.

Are there any opportunities for the robot industry? In addition to the above-mentioned application scenarios, we can also see that the above scenarios are not fully mature, and there are still opportunities to participate, gain their own market share, and change the market pattern. But we think from another angle. We understand from the product demand itself that any product, from production and manufacturing to daily inspection and routine maintenance, actually requires a lot of manpower and material resources to participate. However, the current situation at home and abroad is that the whole cycle process is manpower intensive and the penetration rate of robots is low. Any link may be a link to machine substitution. It is a problem that robotics or enterprises need to solve. Of course, it is also an opportunity for each of us in this era.

"Variables" said that in the past 30 years of China's development, the driving force for sustained economic growth basically came from industrialization, urbanization and technological innovation. Then, the new variables that may affect economic development in the next few years are technological empowerment and integration of the old and the new. Try to think, that the real subversive, should be new technology, new market scenarios, as well as new solutions for traditional industries. The tuyere is not important, the trend is not important, and it is even more important to really meet the needs of the industry.

Based on this thinking, we start from the subdivided vehicle maintenance, refine the unified technical solution, and then go deep into the industry application, and gradually focus on the industrial upgrading of intelligent manufacturing and intelligent operation and maintenance, and use new technologies and new methods to choose New scenes, adapt to and transform old scenes.

We have made many industry initiatives and gradually covered the application of mobile robots in all-terrain.

Of course, there are some detours in the middle, that is, the pit stepped on. Exploration is always exciting, and difficulties will make people braver and braver.


[Youibot Robot]]

Youibot Robot has its own main research and development of mobile robot laser and vision SLAM positioning and navigation system, the industry-leading mobile robot multi-machine tuning. And management system. Focus on solving the problems of intelligent transportation and operation in the process of intelligent manufacturing and intelligent maintenance;

The Move of Youibot Robotdynamic robot technology has won the Capek Technology Innovation Award, known as the "Robot Nobel Prize" for two consecutive years, and has applied for more than 50 core technology patents;

Youibot has served more than 30 well-known enterprises and institutions at home and abroad, including Omron, Michelin, CRRC, China Customs Huaneng Group, Yuchai Group, Li Yuanheng, and Konka, and exported to South Korea, Japan, India, and other countries.

More Wonderful Welcome to surfing our official website: www.en.youibot.com


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