Youibot Robot Team Meets French Prime Minister to Visit China
December 23,2021

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe Edward Philippe arrived in Shenzhen by special plane from Paris yesterday, starting his first visit to China since he became prime minister. Youibot Robot, as a representative of China's scientific and technological innovation enterprises, was invited by the French Consulate

"Shenzhen is the hub of advanced industry and knowledge innovation."

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe Edward Philippe arrived in Shenzhen by special plane from Paris yesterday, starting his first visit to China since he became prime minister.




They visited the Shenzhen factory of Changan Peugeot Citroen DS, a model of green and intelligent manufacturing, and interacted with the start-up entrepreneurs of "La French Tech" to experience the new UAV products... Philip stepped into the "innovation rhythm" of Shenzhen. Wherever he went, all the topics of concern were highlighted: the romantic and elegant France was showing the world a new image of "innovative France. Technological innovation represented by digitalization and green will be the most promising area of cooperation between Shenzhen and France in the future. Philip hopes to connect Shenzhen and France's most valuable technology start-ups.




keyword 1: see the future

Philip and his entourage visited the Weiyang Industrial Innovation Acceleration Platform located in Shenzhen Bay Pioneer Plaza to learn more about Shenzhen's innovation ecosystem and witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Southern University of Science and Technology and the HEC Business School in Paris. According to the agreement, SUSTech and HEC Business School will cooperate in academic research, student exchanges, joint training, and teacher visits.




Youibot Robot, as a representative of China's scientific and technological innovation enterprises, was invited by the French Consulate in Guangzhou to bring ARIS robots to the event site.




Philip listened to the introduction of Youibot with great interest and asked in detail the details of how the ARIS robot works. When he learned that the first-generation prototype of ARIS displayed on the scene took only three months to complete, the Prime Minister and his delegation All members expressed great surprise, surprised at the speed of Shenzhen and the speed of Chinese technology start-ups.







Youibot  Robot, also took the stage on behalf of the team to introduce the Youibot team and the robots developed to the French delegation visiting China and nearly 100 guests on the spot.


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